
Corporate Information

Company Profile

Company NameTRIAL Holdings, Inc.
Date Established September 2015
Capital19,777,692,100 JPY
LocationFukuoka Head Office
1-12-2, Tanotsu, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 813-0034

Tokyo Office
Hamamatsucho Square 9F, 1-30-5, Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0013

  • Access
  • Business ContentPlanning, management and operation of a corporate group with a focus on various businesses such as Retail, Logistics, Financial / Payment Services, and Retail Tech (as a pure holding company).
    Board of Directors
  • Representative Director and Chairman
    Hisao Nagata

  • Representative Director and President
    Koichi Kameda

  • Director
    Ryota Ishibashi

  • Director
    Hiro Nagata

  • Outside Director
    Hirofumi Tatsumoto

  • Outside Director
    Chang Sangsoo

  • Standing Corporate Auditor
    Takeshi Agari

  • Outside Corporate Auditor
    Michishige Hashimoto

  • Outside Corporate Auditor
    Daisuke Usunabe
  • Number of Employees (Consolidated)6,529 employees (As of June 30, 2024)
    Group CompaniesTRIAL Holdings, Inc.
    TRIAL Company, Inc.
    TRIAL Stores, Inc.
    Aomori TRIAL, Inc.
    TRIAL GO, Inc.
    Shiratori Logistic System, Inc.
    Meijiya, Inc.
    Le Petit Nicois, Inc.
    MLS, Inc.
    SU-PAY, Inc.
    TRIAL CARS, Inc.
    TRIAL Insurance Service, Inc.
    TRIAL.Korea Co., Ltd. (Affiliate)
    F&G Retail Co.,Ltd. (Affiliate)
    Retail AI, Inc.
    SalesPlus Inc. (Affiliate)
    TRIAL Real Estate, Inc.
    TRIAL Estate Development, Inc.
    Kawamura Sato Design, Inc.
    TRIAL Golf & Resort, Inc.
    TGR Aso, Inc.
    TGR Oita, Inc.
    TRIAL Benefit, Inc.
    TRIAL Challenged, Inc.
    Fieldman, Inc.
    The meaning behind the nameTRIAL Company, Inc. is a retail business company which is main part of our group. The name “TRIAL” implies “TRIALs” for difficulties. It represents our will to continue to challenge the impossible for the future.

    The name "Company" shows "Companions" aside a meaning of corporation. To take on "TRIALs" for difficulties with our "Companions" is what’s into the name of TRIAL Company.

    We established our first IT company with a strong will to revolutionize real commerce through IT. Since then, we have been kept trying to eliminate inefficiency in the retail industry through "TRIALs" and errors for about 40 years.
    A company with "Companions" who challenge "TRIALs", that is the TRIAL Company.

    *In September 2015, we established TRIAL Holdings, Inc. as a pure holding company. We shifted a holding company structure having shares of the group companies with TRIAL Company, Inc. at its core.
    Consolidated Revenue717.9 billion yen (For the fiscal year ended June 2024)
    Number of Stores 318 Stores (As of June 30, 2024)
    Number of Stores

    *Except for the fiscal years ending in March 2005 (6-month financial statements), March 2009 (11-month and 20-day financial statements), and June 2021 (3-month and 10-day financial statements) where the fiscal year-end was changed.

    *The sales figures and number of stores are as of the end of each fiscal year