

Privacy Policy

TRIAL Holdings, Inc. and its group companies *(hereinafter referred to as "Trial Group"), in order for customers, business partners, applicants for employment, and shareholders (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Customers") to use Trial Group's stores, websites, mobile applications and services (hereinafter referred to as the "Websites") with peace of mind, shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, its related laws, regulations, and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Acts") and manage the personal information of the Customers with the utmost care. Trial Group has established this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") as its basic policy for the handling of personal information and shall strive to handle the personal information of the Customers collected by Trial Group in a legal and appropriate manner. In addition, the Customers using the Websites are deemed to have agreed to the Privacy Policy.
*Group companies of TRIAL Holdings, Inc. shall mean corporations that are co-users together with TRIAL Holdings, Inc. in accordance with Article 3 (2) of the Privacy Policy.

1. Collection and Management of Personal Information

Trial Group asks Customers to register their personal information after confirming the purpose of use for Customers to use services. Personal information collected during purchases, inquiries, etc. is strictly managed to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. Specifically, Trial Group has implemented the following security control measures.

  • Assign the persons responsible for the handling of personal information.
  • Clarify the employees who handle personal information as well as the scope of personal information handled by such employees and establish a system for reporting to and contacting the person in charge in case of ascertaining facts or indications of the violation of the Personal Information Protection Acts or internal regulation regarding the handling of personal information.
  • Regularly educate employees about matters of concern regarding the handling of personal information.
  • Implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal information in areas where personal information is handled.
  • Implement access control to limit the persons in charge and the scope of personal information handled.

Personal information collected by Trial Group is information that can identify a specific individual (such as name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.) provided by the Customers at the time of various inquiries, procedures, or submission of various certifications and official documents. Personal information also includes information that may not be used to identify a specific individual by itself but may be easily cross-checked with other information to identify a specific individual as a result.
Although sufficient security measures are taken on the Websites to protect personal information from unauthorized access, leakage, falsification, destruction, etc., these measures do not apply to the process by which the signal reaches the Websites from the Customers' computers. Customers are required to manage the security by themselves.

2. Purpose of Use

Personal information of the Customers managed by Trial Group shall not be used beyond the following purposes without the prior consent of the Customers.

  • Confirmation and fulfillment of transactions related to products and services, etc.
  • Delivery procedures for ordered products, checked packages, etc.
  • Screening of Trial prepaid card membership applications.
  • Confirmation and cancellation of reservations for products and services, etc.
  • After-sales service related to products and services, etc.
  • Management of purchase points and usage status.
  • Planning and implementation of events, campaigns, benefits, preferential treatment, discounts, etc.
  • Shipping of products related to events, campaigns, benefits, preferential treatment, etc.
  • Confirmation of the contents of inquiries or comments and provision of customer support.
  • Advertisements or other marketing activities related to products and services, etc., delivery and distribution of information materials, mail magazines, and direct mail.
  • Implementation of questionnaires on products and services, etc
  • Development, improvement, and research on products and services, etc.
  • Implementation of various recruitment events, recruitment selection, and employment management for employees.
  • Maintenance and management of facilities and equipment.
  • Payment settlement and credit management.
  • Market research, ascertainment of sales floor conditions, analysis of customer trends, analysis of the use of products and services, etc., and other research and analyses necessary for management as well as the preparation of data for such purposes (including the preparation of various statistical information).
  • Crime prevention and safety measures, fraud detection and the measures taken for the fraud.
  • Purposes of use separately disclosed to Customers or publicly announced.
  • Management of shareholders and providing information for shareholders in accordance with the Companies Act, etc.
  • Notifications related to the above and other emergency contacts.
  • Purposes incidental to the above.

3. Jointly Utilization of Personal Information

Trial Group may jointly utilize the personal information in its possession within Trial Group with appropriate protection measures within the scope of "2. Purpose of Use" as set forth below.

  • Items of Jointly Utilized Personal Information

    Personal information such as name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and product purchase history received at the time of inquiries, procedures, submission of certifications, or official documents.

  • The Scope of Jointly Utilizing Companies

    Trial Group companies. Please click herefor information about group companies other than TRIAL Holdings, Inc. When providing personal information to overseas group companies, necessary measures such as obtaining consent in accordance with laws and regulations shall be taken.

  • Person Responsible for Management of Jointly Utilized Personal Information

    TRIAL Company, Inc., 1-12-2, Tanotsu, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City
    Representative Director,Ryota Ishibashi

4. Provision to Third Parties

  • Trial Group may outsource all or part of the handling of acquired personal information to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, Trial Group shall conclude necessary contracts such as contracts for the protection of personal information and implement necessary and appropriate supervision of such third parties.
  • Trial Group shall not provide collected personal information to third parties, except in the case of joint use. However, this shall not apply in cases where consent has been obtained by the Customers or permitted by law.

5. Provision to Third Parties Located in Foreign Countries

When Trial Group provides personal information to third parties located in foreign countries, Trial Group shall take necessary measures such as obtaining consent in accordance with laws and regulations.

6. Use of Anonymously Processed Information

Trial Group may produce anonymously processed information based on personal information provided by Customers, which is processed in such a way individuals shall not be identified. Trial Group shall comply with the following points regarding the handling of anonymously processed information.

  • Matters Concerning Safety Control Measures

    Trial Group shall take necessary and appropriate security control measures for the management of anonymously processed information, including the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage.

  • Matters Concerning Anonymously Processed Information Produced by Trial Group

    ① Trial Group produces anonymously processed information based on the information provided and provides it to third parties on an ongoing basis.

    • Items of Personal Information (items included in anonymously processed information)

      Gender, age (7 categories), store visit distance (in units of 1 km), date of purchase, temporary ID (non-recoverable replacement for the Trial Member ID), store number, store name, products name, purchase quantity, and purchase amount.

    • Method of provision

      Method of Uploading to the Password-protected Server

    ② If Trial Group produces anonymously processed information other than (1) in ① above, Trial Group shall disclose the items of information related to individuals contained in the anonymously processed information.

  • Matters Concerning Anonymously Processed Information to be Provided to Third Parties

    Except in the case of “(2) Matters Concerning Anonymously Processed Information Produced by Trial Group”, when providing anonymously processed information to a third party, Trial Group shall disclose the items of information concerning individuals included in the anonymously processed information to be provided and the method of provision.

  • Prohibition of Identification

    With respect to anonymously processed information, Trial Group shall not obtain information regarding the description deleted from the personal information or individual identification codes, or any information regarding the method of processing and shall not collate the anonymously processed information with other information in order to identify a principal concerned with personal information used to produce such anonymously processed information.

  • Contact for Inquiries and Complaints

    Please contact us with the information of "13. Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information" of the Privacy Policy.

7. Use of Cookies

Trial Group obtains Cookies with the consent of the Customers and analyzes the combination of the Customer's " Trial Member ID ", browsing history of Trial Group Websites, shopping history at Trial Group, service usage history, etc., to propose products and services, etc. that match the interests and preferences of the Customers and to provide information, marketing research, and advertising distribution.

Cookie is a mechanism for storing information about users who access the website. If you wish to opt out of Cookies, please click here.

8. Requests for Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, or Suspension of Personal Information by Customers

  • Customers may request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of personal information registered by the Customers in a manner prescribed by Trial Group through the "13. Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information " section of the Privacy Policy. However, please note that we may not be able to disclose all or part of the personal information in the following cases.
    ① Cases in which disclosure may harm the life, body, property, and other rights and interests of the Customers or third parties.
    ② Cases in which disclosure may cause significant hindrance to the proper conduct of Trial Group business.
    ③ Cases in which disclosure may violate laws and regulations.
  • Trial Group shall quickly respond to requests for disclosure made by Customers and promptly correct any information that is found to be incorrect because of such requests. In such cases, from the standpoint of strict management of personal information, Trial Group may ask the disclosure requester to present documents proving the identity. Please also understand that the fees for the disclosure of personal information prescribed by Trial Group may be asked to be paid.

9. Handling of EU and UK Resident Data

In accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation and its equivalent UK legislation (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GDPR"), this Article applies only to the handling of information that identifies or may identify persons residing in the European Union (in this Article, including Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, hereinafter referred to as "EU") and the United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as "EU and UK Resident Data"; natural persons who are the subject of such EU and UK Resident Data are referred to as "EU and UK Resident Data Subjects"). The provisions of the Privacy Policy also apply to EU and UK Resident Data, except for "10. Handling of Personal Information of Residents of the State of California, U.S.A.".

  • EU and UK Resident Data collected by Trial Group and with whom it is shared are as follows. Please note that Trial Group does not sell EU and UK Resident Data.
EU and UK Resident Data Categories and Examples
Categories of Information Sources
Business or Commercial Purposes of Use
Categories of Third Parties with Whom EU and UK Resident Data is Shared
  • Personal identification information (name, e-mail address, etc.).
  • Information regarding the place of employment or affiliation (company, corporation, department, position, etc.).
Direct collection from the EU and UK Resident Data Subjects.
Exchange of information, etc.
Shall not be shared.
Information about Internet and other network activities (information collected by Cookies; if you wish to opt out of the Cookies, please click here).
Collection through browsing and using Trial Group's Websites.
Confirmation of access history, etc.
Trial Group (Click herefor information on Trial Group companies other than TRIAL Holdings, Inc.).
  • When Trial Group handles EU and UK Resident Data as a controller under the GDPR (i.e. a person who determines how and for what purposes EU and UK Resident Data is handled), Trial Group shall clearly inform the EU and UK Resident Data Subjects of the purpose of the handling of EU and UK Resident Data and any other required GDPR notices, and obtain consent from the EU and UK Resident Data Subjects for such handling, unless there is a legal basis for otherwise.
  • The explanation at the time of obtaining consent in the preceding paragraph shall be clearly stated in a manner that is clearly distinguishable from other matters, using clear and plain language, and in a manner that is easily understood and readily accessible.
  • Trial Group shall maintain records of consent to the handling of EU and UK Resident Data obtained from EU and UK Resident Data Subjects to be able to present proof of such consent in case it is requested.
  • Trial Group shall retain the EU and UK Resident Data listed in the table (1) if it is necessary for the "Business or Commercial Purposes of Use" listed in the table. If legal or accounting regulations require or permit retention for a longer period than is necessary, the retention period shall be determined after taking into consideration the business needs of Trial Group.
  • EU and UK Resident Data Subjects may receive their EU and UK Resident Data from Trial Group in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and may transfer the received EU and UK Resident Data to other controllers without hindrance by Trial Group.
  • EU and UK Resident Data Subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time to the handling of the EU and UK Resident Data by Trial Group. The lawfulness of Trial Group's handling of EU and UK Resident Data shall not be affected by the withdrawal of consent by the EU and UK Resident Data Subjects.
  • Trial Group may transfer EU and UK Resident Data to countries outside the EU and the UK (including Japan) for handling. Japan has been certified by the European Commission as having adequacy decision of personal information. Although transfer countries other than Japan, the EU, and the UK may not have the same privacy legislation as the country in which the EU and UK Resident Data Subject resides, Trial Group protects EU and UK Resident Data by entering standard contractual clauses based on GDPR with the data transfer recipient.
  • If Trial Group handles EU and UK Resident Data as a processor under the GDPR (which means the subject acting on the written instructions by the controller), Trial Group shall handle such EU and UK Resident Data appropriately in accordance with the instructions by the controller of such EU and UK Resident Data.
  • EU and UK Resident Data Subjects who wish to make inquiries concerning EU and UK Resident Data handled by Trial Group as a controller for those relating to the exercise of rights, etc. granted to data subjects under the GDPR, please contact us with the contact information in "13. Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information" of the Privacy Policy. When responding to the request, we shall need to confirm the identity of the data subject or the data subject's representative.
  • Trial Group shall respond in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR in the event that the data subject exercises any rights, etc. granted to it under the GDPR with respect to EU and UK Resident Data that Trial Group handles as a controller under the GDPR.

10. Handling of Personal Information of Residents of the State of California, U.S.A.

In accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (hereinafter referred to as "CCPA"), this Article only applies to the handling of personal information (for the purpose of this Article, the information shall mean that identifies, relates to, describes, can be reasonably associated with, or can be reasonably linked directly or indirectly to, a particular consumer or household) of a resident of the State of California, U.S.A. The provisions of the Privacy Policy also apply to the personal information of residents of the State of California, USA, with the exception of "9. Handling of EU and UK Resident Data".

  • Collection and Use of Personal Information

    Personal information collected by Trial Group from U.S. California residents during the past 12 months, the purposes for which it is used, and with whom it is shared are listed below. Trial Group does not sell and has not sold in the past 12 months, any personal information of U.S. residents of California (including personal information of minors) to the third parties.

Categories of Personal Information of the Residents of California, U.S.A and Examples
Categories of Sources
Business or commercial Purposes of Use
Categories of Third Parties with Whom Personal Information of Residents of California, U.S.A. is Shared
  • Personal identification information (name, e-mail address, etc.).
  • Information regarding the place of employment or affiliation (company, corporation, department, position, etc.).
Direct collection from the residents of the State of California, U.S.A.
Exchange of information, etc.
Shall not be shared.
Information about Internet and other network activities (information collected by Cookies; if you wish to opt out of the Cookies, please click here).
Collection through browsing and using Trial Group's Websites.
Confirmation of access history, etc.
Trial Group (Click herefor information on Trial Group companies other than TRIAL Holdings, Inc.).
  • Rights of Residents of the State of California, U.S.A.
    ① Right to Demand Disclosure

    Residents of the State of California, U.S.A. have the right to request that Trial Group disclose the following information about their personal information collected, used, or shared by Trial Group in the past 12 months.

    • Types of personal information collected.
    • Types of personal information collection methods.
    • Business or commercial purposes for which personal information is collected.
    • Types of personal information shared for business purposes.
    • Types of third parties with whom personal information is shared by type of personal information.
    • Specific personal information about the residents of the State of California, U.S.A. who made the disclosure request.
    ② Right of Deletion

    Residents of the State of California, U.S.A. have the right to request certain personal information obtained by Trial Group be deleted.

    ③ Right to Prohibit Discriminatory Treatment

    Trial Group shall not discriminate against any residents of the State of California, U.S.A. on the basis of such residents' exercise of rights under the CCPA. However, the deletion of personal information may result in the inability to provide the services that were previously available to you. Please understand this in advance.

  • Residents of the State of California, U.S.A. who wish to make inquiries concerning exercising their rights, etc. under the CCPA, please contact us with the contact information in "13. Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information " of the Privacy Policy. In responding to such requests, we shall need to confirm that the person making the request is the person in question or his/her representative.
  • In the event Trial Group receives an exercise of rights, etc. under the CCPA from the residents of the State of California, U.S.A., Trial Group shall respond in accordance with the provisions of the CCPA.

11. Disclaimer Regarding Links to Third-Party Companies

Trial Group is not responsible for matters relating to third-party companies that are not part of Trial Group and that are linked to this website. Such matters are governed by the terms and conditions and privacy policies of such companies.

12. Revisions to this Privacy Policy

Trial Group may change or revise the Privacy Policy from time to time to comply with the Personal Information Protection Acts. In the event of any changes or revisions to the Privacy Policy, the details of such changes or revisions will be posted on this website. Please review the Privacy Policy carefully after such changes or revisions have been made.

13. Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions or concerns about Trial Group's handling of personal information, please contact us at the contact information below.

Customer Service Center,TRIAL Company, Inc.
TEL:0120-033-559(toll-free number)
Click here for our web contact form.
Date of Enactment : December 26, 2022

External Transmission of User Information

1. Introduction

In the smartphone application operated by our group, "SU-PAY" (including services provided in conjunction with "SU-PAY"; hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Service"), and on the sites mentioned in "3. Regarding External Transmission," we may use cookies and similar technologies to understand usage patterns, enhance convenience, perform statistical data analysis, and deliver, display, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. For these purposes, information about users may be transmitted from the user's device to a server other than the user ("External Transmission").

In providing the Service, our group, respecting privacy, may externally transmit user information (hereinafter referred to as "User Information"), such as user identifiers stored in cookies and device OS information, to the operators providing external services necessary for the use of the external services.
*Note: Cookies are text data stored on the user's device through the browser when accessing the Service.

2. Opt-out Measures (Discontinuation of External Transmission)

Customers may, through browser settings, choose to discontinue external transmission. Please note that making such a choice may affect the normal use of the Service.

3. Regarding External Transmission

Information to be disclosed based on the External Transmission regulations of the Telecommunications Business Law (Article 27-12 of the Telecommunications Business Law) and requests from external service providers serving as transmission destinations, related to external services currently used by our group for external transmission, is as follows. Please check the link in the "Privacy Policy of the Transmission Destination" for information on the purposes of using transmitted user information at the destination.

Target Website(s) or Equivalent
Recipient Business/Service Name
Content of the Transmitted Information
Intended Use of the Transmitted Information by Our Company
Privacy Policy or Equivalent of the Recipient
Settings for Discontinuing External Transmission, etc.
  • Viewing history of pages within the site
  • Duration of stay on each page
  • Browser and OS type/version
  • Screen size
  • Access source
  • Conversion data during form submission
    Advertising, marketing, and usage analysis
Advertising, Marketing, Usage Analysis
  • Unique ID stored in cookies
  • Date and time of visit to the site or exposure to an advertisement
  • URL of the visited site
  • Title and meta keywords of the visited site
  • Referrer at the time of the visit
  • IP address of the access source
  • User agent of the browser
  • Language setting and character encoding setting of the browser
  • Display area and color depth of the browser
Advertising, Marketing
  • Device information such as smartphone model, manufacturer, device OS version, and language settings
  • Advertising identifier (IDFA or Google Advertising ID, etc.).
  • Location information related to smartphones.
  • Information about beacons acquired by the app users in the vicinity.
  • IP address.
  • Information related to the usage of this app (permission for location information usage, status of Bluetooth (on/off), viewing and opening date/time of push content, information about reacted beacons, etc.).
  • Segment information of app users determined as necessary by the provider of this app (age, gender, occupation, etc., excluding personal information).
    *For more details, please refer to https://su-pay.jp/terms/.
Delivery of content based on location information, acquisition of marketing information through understanding usage patterns, and service improvement.

Additionally, in addition to the external transmissions listed above, we also externally transmit information necessary for providing the Service. This includes, but is not limited to, information required for tasks such as retaining entered information, user authentication, security measures for detecting and preventing unauthorized access, information necessary for network management such as detecting and addressing malfunctions or errors, and more.

Date of Enactment : September 05, 2023