
Corporate Information


Purpose, Vision & Value

TRIAL Holdingsのパーパス・ビジョン・バリュー


Enrich every aspect of people's lives through all we do.


Revolutionize "real commerce" around the globe with technology and practical savvy.


・The power to distribute goods with our highly efficient network of stores
・The ability to fully leverage data and IoT

Special Talk

Ryota Ishibashi

Hiro Nagata


How our Purpose, Vision and Value are created. TRIAL Holdings.
~Thoughts behind our philosophy~

"Purpose" for corporate management is attracting attention. It represents the value to the society while clarifying the importance of each company.
Having clear "Vision" and "Value" unifies the organization.

The "Purpose, Vision, and Value" at TRIAL Holdings represents the passion of each of executive directors which emerged through deep r discussions.
Ryota Ishibashi, Director, and Hiro Nagata, Director, talk about the secret story behind the scenes.

What drove us?

Hiro :

Trial Group is commemorating its 40th anniversary and getting ready for the next stage. We wanted to establish a common language within the company and work to permeate its understanding. It helps us to leap toward the new stage through "TRIAL" and error.

Looking back the process.

Ishibashi :

There are "things to change" with the times changes and "things should not change" as founding philosophy.
We put efforts in our choice of words, but most importantly we spent a lot of time distinguishing things whether we change or not.

Thoughts in Words

Hiro :

Each of our Purpose, Vision, and Values has a key message, as the Purpose expresses “Enrich every aspect of people's lives through all we do.”
We are not only making benefits but also putting efforts on creating a positive impact on the society and in the world through this activity. That is our raison d'être.

The Keyword

Ishibashi :

It is "Practical savvy”.
It tells you that we value the "Practical savvy" as well as technology. We carefully selected the word both in Japanese and English.

Hiro :

"Practical savvy" describes our company's unique characteristics well. We chose the word "savvy" over "experience" because we evaluate our growth based on what we learned through TRIALs and errors.
It expresses the message we fearlessly take on new challenges while incorporating the latest technology.

How We Penetrate Philosophy into Business

Hiro :

It is important to act under our "purpose," "vision," and "value". To fulfill our philosophy, we offer customers valuable shopping experiences assisted by technology.
Retail business and Retail AI business are sharing same goals even though their business fields are different. We can achieve our vision and value by having business synergy.

Ishibashi :

We use our philosophy to enhance contribution for customers.
Day-to-day store operation is shaping tomorrow in the retail business. Awareness that every one of us have led to the future.

What is Trial business style?

Hiro :

The word "technology" in the vision explains studying the distribution platform. Our purpose and vision are what we will achieve over the long term.
With our global experiences, we adopted words "World" and "Technology" into our Philosophy.

Ishibashi :

We are working onto current business and future business simultaneously.
We move forward both real stores and digital data at the same time. It is in our "Value". This is what Trial is all about.