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Make the world a better place through Retail Tech

Sales of TRIAL group have grown to approximately 700 billion yen. Yet, we are not satisfied with the status quo, but are trying to revolutionize real commerce around the globe as we work on new businesses.
We are trying to create a better shopping experience for our customers by integrating the real stores with technology.

To this day, it is the "ambitions" that has been the driving force behind our growth.
When founded, no one paid attention to our ambitions. However, we have been able to come this far because our employees and business partners believed in and chose our company.

As a matter of fact, when we make the impossible possible, what seems inefficient leads to innovation, and what seems impossible evolves into common sense, there is always "ambitions" there.
Despite countless numbers of failures, we have been working on making changes that most people would rather not try because it seems impossible. The history of "TRIAL" and error has made us what Trial is all about.

While every industry integrates digital technology into business for transformation, we focus on revolutionizing the entire retail commerce. I believe the scale of this change exceeds even the Meiji Restoration.
This huge transformation is a paradigm shift that overturns the structures and our point of view.

So why are we revolutionizing the entire retail industry? It is because we have held a strong will to contribute to our customers since we started our business.

You might think it is superficial if you know nothing about us. Though, through the failures of my 20s, I came to realize what business should be about: doing business for the customers, not for personal gain. I have never doubted this faith.

Since then, we have been exploring the convergence of retail business and technology for nearly 40 years from 1980's. Now, we have gotten an advantage to transform "Real Commerce" with technology.

The retail industry itself will change dramatically with transformation. Those do not realize this change would not survive this competitive environment.
On the other hand, I am convinced that the companies that can embrace this shift will change Japan and become world-class companies.

TRIAL Holdings, Inc.
Representative Director and Chairman

Hisao Nagata