
Investor Relations

Policy Against Antisocial Forces

The fundamental approach to excluding antisocial forces and the current status of our efforts in this regard

The company operates under the policy of not engaging with any antisocial forces that may adversely affect societal order or the sound activities of the corporation. In line with this commitment, we disseminate and enforce the 'TRIAL Code of Conduct' and the 'Measures Against Antisocial Forces' regulations among the directors and employees of our corporate group. We are actively working to eliminate ties with antisocial forces and promote corporate ethics throughout the entire corporate group.

Internally, we have established a framework where the General Manager of Group Management is the overall responsible party for handling issues related to troubles involving civil intervention violence. Additionally, we instruct and implement the inclusion of clauses related to the exclusion of business partners and antisocial forces in contracts across various departments. To counter pressures from antisocial forces, we have also built collaborative relationships with external specialized organizations such as police stations and the Corporate Defense Measures Council.

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