
Investor Relations


Corporate Information

  • Q

    What is the origin of the company name?

  • A

    TRIAL Company, Inc. is a retail business company which is main part of our group. The name "Trial" implies "Trials" for difficulties. It represents our will to continue to challenge the impossible for the future.
    The name "Company" shows "Companions" aside a meaning of corporation. To take on "Trials" for difficulties with our "Companions" is what's into the name of TRIAL Company.
    Please refer to "Company Overview."

  • Q

    What is the company's management philosophy?

  • A

    We have established Purpose, Vision, and Values as our management philosophy.
    The birth episodes and the thoughts behind each item can be found in the "Philosophy."

  • Q

    When was the company founded?

  • A

    TRIAL Company was established in 1974 as an antique dealer and recycle store in Fukuoka. The company changed its name to TRIAL Company, Inc. in 1984 and established a pure holding company, TRIAL Holdings, Inc. in 2015, with TRIAL Company, Inc. as its core operating company. For more details, please refer to "History."

Our Business

  • Q

    What is the company's business overview?

  • A

    We operate a distribution and retail business that operates discount stores throughout Japan, and a retail AI business that develops and provides AI solutions that revolutionize the distribution industry. For more details, please refer to "Our Business."

Corporate Governance

  • Q

    What is the company's approach and structure of corporate governance?

  • A

    We believe that working together with our stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, is the key to achieving sustainable growth as a company and increasing our corporate value. To this end, it is important to ensure thorough compliance and management transparency, as well as to realize speedy management through prompt decision-making. For more details, please refer to "Corporate Governance Basic Policy."

Financial Information

  • Q

    Does the company disclose monthly sales information?

  • A

    The information is disclosed on or about the 10th of each month. The latest monthly sales figures can be found in the "Monthly Sales Report."

  • Q

    Where can I find key financial indicators and performance trends?

  • A

    Please refer to "Financial Highlights."

IR Library

  • Q

    Where can I find IR materials (financial statements, annual reports, etc.)?

  • A

    Please refer to "IR Library."

Stock Information

  • Q

    How many shares are in a trading unit?

  • A


  • Q

    Which stock exchanges are you listed on?

  • A

    The company is listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

  • Q

    When was the stock listed?

  • A

    March 21, 2024.

  • Q

    What is your ticker?

  • A


  • Q

    How do I proceed stock administration?

  • A

    Procedures differ depending on the type of account. Please refer to "Basic Information."

  • Q

    When is the general shareholders meeting?

  • A

    The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled to be held in late September of each year.
    Please refer to "Shareholder's Meeting" for the Notice of Convocation of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

  • Q

    How do I receive dividends?

  • A

    The following methods are available for receiving dividends.
    - Receiving dividends in proportion to the number of shares recorded in the account at the securities company (share number pro rata distribution method)
    Receiving all dividends through an account at a single financial institution (registered dividend receipt account method)
    - Receiving dividends at the post office (dividend receipt method)
    - Receiving dividends at the counter of a post office, etc. (dividend receipt method)
    - Designating an account transfer for each issue and receiving dividends at the designated financial institution (individual issue designation method)

    * Please contact the securities company with which you have a trading account to designate or change the method of receiving dividends. (For shareholders with special accounts, please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, the administrator of special accounts.)
    * For details, please refer to the website of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, our shareholder registry administrator.

Dividends and Shareholder Returns

  • Q

    When is the record date for dividends?

  • A

    June 30 of each year. If interim dividends are paid, the date is December 31. For details, please refer to "Dividends and Shareholder Returns."

  • Q

    Do you pay interim dividends?

  • A

    Not planned at this time.

  • Q

    Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?

  • A

    There is no shareholder special benefit plan.

IR calendar

  • Q

    When is your fiscal year end?

  • A

    Jun 30 every year.

  • Q

    What is your IR schedule?

  • A

    Please refer to "IR Calendar."


  • Q

    Where can I inquire about IR?

  • A

    Please refer to "IR Inquiry."

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